Synopsis: On the eve of 72nd Republic Day, the makers of the show 1962 : The War In The Hills were seen announcing the release date of the show. The popular Disney Plus Hotstar was quick to announce the show by releasing the trailer. The web series is going to stream on the said OTT platform on 26th February 2021, while the star cast of the film include Abhay Deol, Pankaj Kapur and Piyush Mishra. The series is directed by none other than the veteran filmmaker and actor – Mahesh Manjrekar.
Talking about the show, the makers claim that this is the right time to announce as it relates with themes like patriotism and the makers all set to release it on 26th Feb on the said OTT platform. The genre of the show is a war drama series which is based on the India China war in 1962, Abhay Deol plays the leading star in it who deals with some interesting facts, which are factual and have occurred during the war. Stay tuned to know more about the show only with us and if you have anything to share, you can comment below.