Actress Aarushi Bajaj is all set to make her debut in the third season of the popular crime thriller series Aarya, starring Sushmita Sen. Bajaj will play the role of Arundhati Sareen (Aru), the second child of Aarya and Tej Sareen. In a recent interview, Bajaj opened up about how she saw herself in the character of Aru. She also listed the candid similarities she has found between herself and her character.
“I saw myself in Aru in the sense that she is a strong and independent woman,” Bajaj said. “She is also very emotional and cares deeply about her family and friends.” Bajaj added that she and Aru also share a similar sense of humor. “We both like to joke around and have fun, even in difficult situations,” she said.
A Bajaj is excited to make her debut in Aarya Season 3, and she is looking forward to working with Sushmita Sen. “I am a big fan of Sushmita Sen,” Bajaj said. “She is an amazing actress, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with her.” Aarya Season 3 is scheduled to be released on Disney+ Hotstar in 2023.
When an actor and their character share similar traits, it’s like finding the key to authenticity. These similarities allow the actor to give a genuine and relatable performance, adding a touch of magic to the on-screen story.
Talking about this, Aarushi said, “I consider myself one of the luckiest to have watched Aru in seasons 1 and 2 as an audience member and then to play her in season 3. What attracted me to the role was her transformation after Tej’s (her father) death.”
It is interesting to see Aarushi Bajaj in Aarya Season 3. I think she has the potential to give a great performance. I am also curious to see how her character, Aru, will develop in the third season.