Now, its official singer and host Aditya Narayan has chosen his life partner. As per the young man, he had decided to take his relationship to the next level with Shweta Agarwal who has remained her longtime girlfriend. Yes, the same lady whom he has worked with in the film Shaapit in 2010. This film brought the couple together and since then they have been in a relationship.
So after ten long years, they have dated and now have decided to take their relationship to the next level. While talking about his relationship, he said his personal life has never been a secret and has always known to all. However, he said there was much to talk about the same, hence he decided not to talk about it thus leaving him alone. While talking about the same, he said he met Shweta on the sets of Shaapit and it was an instant hit.
He added, slowly and steadily things worked and he realized how on the head over heels they are seen in love that started pursuing the same. Initially, she was seen being her friend and then they felt that they should focus on their careers rather than being in a relationship, informed Aditya. He said that there were ups and downs in his relationship in the last ten years of their life. While talking about his marriage plans, he intends to get it done next month or in December. He said his parents know her girlfriend and admire her as well. He said he is very happy to find her as his soulmate.