As we know the actor Akshay Kumar often remains unstoppable when it comes to the number of films he does in a year. He is now gearing up for his next set of movies in 2021. In the new normal when things are getting back to normalcy, we can see the actor signing up his fourth film in the B Town. The actor has now signed his fourth film of 2021. After wrapping up the shoot for his film, he has now embarked upon with his other set of movies.
He is doing a film called Atrangi Re with Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan apart from Bachchan Pandey by Sajid Nadiadwala along with the other from Ekta Kapoor, which is an action-comedy. Besides all these, he has even signed one more film with Mudassar Aziz, claims the Mumbai Mirror reports. The film happens to be a whacky comedy and the actor seemed to have even agreed to work the moment he was shared with the concept. He soon realized that the romcom would have all the things he loves to do.
Thus given a film that has a balance of real time subjects, love story and action with a laugh riots. We have seen M Aziz coming up with several other films that have gone big at the boxoffice. Akshay seems to be happy doing his films since it has everything which he wants to give to his fans. The film happens to be a social comedy and also an action thriller so these types of genre remains very much ideal for Akshay Kumar. Stay tuned to know more about him only with us.