It’s been a while since we saw the actor Akshay Kumar to see anything on any issue. Right from the controversy surrounding Sushant Singh Rajput’s death and other issues, we see the actor mum on everything. But now he seems to have opened his mouth speaking against the drug connection with the industry. While speaking about the same, he said not all people in Bollywood are linked with drugs a few can but it is unfair to paint the entire industry with the same brush.
He was seen talking about the same in his four minute video wherein he said there could be a drug abuse issue in the industry but not all are involved in it. He added it would be unfair to call everyone falling in this domain. He said he is speaking on this issue with a heavy heart. He added the same video on his Instagram handle, how about checking the same as under:
While talking about his work, he was in the UK and Scotland with his family for shooting for his upcoming movie Bellbottom. As per reports, he has wrapped up the shoot for the film with Huma Qureshi and the War fame actress Vaani Kapoor. He has even returned home after his one month long stay in the UK and Scotland. It was the first international shoot for the actor amidst the pandemic. The other was Aamir Khan who was in Turkey to shoot for his film Laal Singh Chaddha. Stay tuned for more on this issue and others only with us.