Alia Bhatt has remained a talented actress in B Town. Every other film speaks about her professionalism. However, she has remained the target of nepotism for being the star kid. As she is busy shooting for her film RRR with a South Indian director, she also had some interesting news for her fans. She has embarked upon with a fashion brand for kids – ranging 2 to 14 years called Ed-a-mamma.
Yes, you heard it right after her investment in ventures like the fashion styling platform called StyleCracker and a beauty e-tailer Nykaa she is back in the news for her next venture Ed-a-mamma. And for this, she has invested huge money which will be operating from her own home with a small operation and marketing team. Talking about the same, the lady said that there is a huge gap in the fashion market when it comes to kids and young boys and girls and her venture would fill this gap.
The lady was quick enough to share a couple of photos with the kids showcasing about her new venture, check her latest picture with a kid promoting her brand on her Instagram handle, have a look at the same:
Check this video as well:
Talking about her work, she is busy with the South Indian period drama film called RRR and has one more film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Stay tuned to know more about the lady only with us.