As the leading lady of the film Gadar 2 is gearing up for the release of the sequel, we hear something happening to the lady. Ameesha Patel is unhappy with her Gadar 2 director, Anil Sharma. In a series of tweets, she accused his production house, Anil Sharma Productions, of mismanagement during the filming of their film in Chandigarh. In one of her tweets, she wrote, “Another concern of fans has been about certain incidents that took place at Anil Sharma Productions during the final schedule of Gadar 2, which was filmed in Chandigarh in late May.”
Many technicians, such as makeup artists, costume designers, and others, did not receive their rightful remuneration and dues from Anil Sharma Productions. However, Zee Studios stepped in and made sure that all dues were settled, as they are a professional company.
Yes, unpaid bills for accommodation, transportation to the Chandigarh airport on the final day, food, and cars left certain cast and crew members stranded. However, Zee Studios stepped in once again to correct these issues caused by Anil Sharma Productions.
Everyone involved in the production of Gadar 2 is aware that Anil Sharma Productions was responsible for the film’s production. Unfortunately, Anil Sharma Productions made numerous mistakes, but Zee Studios always stepped in to fix the problems. They further expressed their sincere gratitude to Zee Studios, especially Shariq Patel, Neeraj Joshi, Kabeer Ghosh, and Nischit. This Zee team is truly top-notch.
You can check the series of tweets she has done on the issue, have a look as under:
Ameesha Patel will reprise her role as Sakeena in the film, while Sunny Deol will return as Tara Singh. Utkarsh Sharma, who played Tara Singh and Sakeena’s son in the first film, will play a grown-up version of his character in the sequel. The film is produced by Zee Studios and Anil Sharma Productions.