In the eventful year of 2023, Ranbir Kapoor experienced great success with his films. While “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar” performed decently at the box office, it was “Animal” that created a seismic impact in the Indian film industry. Despite being the highest-grossing film of Ranbir’s career, the Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial fell short of surpassing the dream returns of “Sanju.” Let’s delve into the details!
Ranbir Kapoor has always been known for his willingness to take risks and experiment with diverse scripts. Opting to work on an A-rated film, particularly with a controversial director, was a risky decision, but it ultimately paid off handsomely. “Animal” not only had an extraordinary start but went on to become a historic success at the Indian box office. The film secured its position as the second-highest net grosser in the history of Bollywood, trailing only behind Shah Rukh Khan’s “Jawan.”
As per the latest update, “Animal” has amassed a net collection of 550 crores in India and is expected to add a few more crores before concluding its theatrical run. With a reported budget of 200 crores, the return on investment (ROI) stands at 350 crores, which translates to an impressive 175% returns. While it has surpassed blockbusters like “Jawan” and “Pathaan” with these numbers, it fell short of coming close to the success of “Sanju.”
“Sanju,” directed by Rajkumar Hirani, was released in 2018 and garnered immense pre-release buzz. The film received highly positive word-of-mouth from audiences and ended up earning 341.22 crores at the Indian box office. With a reasonable budget of 80 crores, “Sanju” achieved an impressive ROI of 261.22 crores, resulting in a remarkable 326.52% returns.
Coming back to “Animal,” the makers recently announced reduced ticket rates for films in India. With the official offer allowing viewers to watch the film for 100 rupees (conditions apply), this strategic move is expected to give a boost to the film’s box office collections.
As the year progresses, Ranbir Kapoor’s success continues to soar with the overwhelming response to “Animal.” Fans eagerly anticipate his future ventures and the impact they will have on the Indian film industry.