Actor Ayushmann Khurrana‘s recent tweet about the pressure of board exams has gone viral on social media. The tweet struck a chord with many students who are currently going through the same experience. In the tweet, Ayushmann shared his own experience of giving board exams and the pressure he faced during that time, especially for the Mathematics paper.
Ayushmann’s tweet read, “Math paper gone means Board exams gone, which remains the first and last milestone of achieving academic excellence in the journey of education. This tweet touches with empathy for the students who are currently giving their board exams, saying that he understands their pressure and anxiety. You can check his tweet as under and check the reactions coming over it:
Math exam done matlab board exams done.
— Ayushmann Khurrana (@ayushmannk) March 12, 2023
The tweet has resonated with many students who are currently facing the same pressure of board exams. Ayushmann’s message of empathy and support has provided comfort to many students who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed during this time. His tweet has also sparked a conversation about the education system and the pressure it puts on students to perform well in exams.
Ayushmann is known for his relatable and socially relevant films, and his tweet about board exams is no exception. By sharing his own experience, he has shown that even successful actors like him have faced the same pressure and anxiety that students are currently going through. His tweet has also highlighted the importance of mental health and the need to provide emotional support to students during this stressful time.
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Ayushmann Khurrana’s tweet about board exams has gone viral because of its relatability and empathy towards students. It has started a conversation about the education system and the pressure it puts on students. By sharing his own experience, Ayushmann has provided comfort and support to students who are currently going through the same experience. His tweet is a reminder that we need to prioritize mental health and emotional support for students, especially during stressful times like board exams.