A big news there for the Akshay Kumar fans as his film Bachchan Pandey is on the verge of hitting the floor. The film to be produced by Sajid Nadiadwala is going to hit the floor in Jan 2021 and will wrap up by March 2021. This will mark his 10th collaboration with Akshay Kumar as a producer for Nadiadwala. Earlier, we have heard that Kriti Sanon has been roped in as the leading lady of the film while Arshad Warsi has also given his consent to work with Akshay Kumar for the first time in his career.
As per the latest, we now hear that the lady Jacqueline Fernandez has also come on board as a leading lady. The actress has now joined the film which is official now. This will mark her eight collaborations with Sajid Nadiadwala. However, her character is still not disclosed in the media while Kriti would be playing a journalist role in it. While the lady was excited to talk about it and said that she is really happy to be a part of the film.
She was in the song Dhanno for the film Houseful for the producer and shares a good bond and friendship with the producer. Talking about the same, she said she is going to start the shoot on 6th Jan 2021 for the film. Although the film was supposed to start early but with the COVID 19 doing all the mess, we can see things getting a bit pushed away. She said that she has just completed one film with the producer and is now gearing up for the second. She is also the part of Kick 2 with Salman Khan.