Akshay Kumar has just completed his shoot for the film Bell Bottom with Huma Qureshi and Vaani Kapoor. Now, she is gearing up for the release of his other film Laxxmi Bomb now renamed as Laxmi with Kiara Advani. He is now working on his brisk pace to start another film as well as we know he has a couple of movies releasing every year. The 52 years actor now is planning to schedule his two films Prithiviraj and Bachchan Pandey.
As per reports, Kriti Sanon would be joining the star cast with Akshay Kumar. We see the lady working with him after the film Housefull 4. Now, we have the update coming from the film Bachchan Pandey and will then leave his fans very much cheered up. The film will have Farhad Samji as the director while it is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under his banner called Nadiadwala Productions. The film is all set to hit the floor in Jan 2021. As per reports, the leading stars will kickstart the film in Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.
The schedule is likely to comprise 60 days. Interestingly, we see the shooting taking place in the real time locations rather than the on the sets. About the permission, we see the makers arranging the same very soon. Akshay Kumar will be playing the role with the same in the Jaisalmer and will complete the shoot in the coming two months. We know Akshay believes in doing the work on a marathon style. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.