The film Badhaahi Ho starring Ayushmann Khurrana has been incredible at the box office. The film was applauded for its unique concept and ensemble star cast. Now, we see the makers coming up with its sequel called Badhaao Do. The film features Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar in the leading role who would be working together for the first time as it happens to be their maiden venture together for the B Town.
The makers Junglee Pictures also bagged the national award for Badhaai Ho. As per them the film is going to hit the floor in Jan 2021. In this film, we could see Rajkummar Rao playing the role of a Delhi cop and he remains the only male cop in a women police station of Mahila Thana. On the other side, Bhumi Pednekar is playing the Sports Teacher in School in the movie. The film is written by Badhaai Ho, while the writer Akshat Dhildial along with Suman Adhikary and it is directed by Harshavardhan Kulkarni.
Rajkummar Rao while talking about the role, he is pleased with choosing the role and in picking up the pace along with the wheel moving again. The film happens to be a special film for him, claimed the actor and he was pleased to get the nuanced character who has a different layer of conflict. As the preparations are going on, he is seen doing the process of preparing the role for this time and then setting up the character in the film that remains unique. The audience seems to have come as a big surprise that unfolds with the time. I am pleased to connect with the audience, said the actor.