As we know Akshay Kumar and his family is in Scotland for his film shooting Bellbottom amidst the pandemic, we have some updates on it. The actor has now wrapped up the shoot for the film in Scotland. Earlier, he was seen shooting in London and other places in the country. It was a tough journey for the actor and his crew as to shoot in this pandemic invited some additional care from the makers but they finally made it.
He was the first actor to take a long shooting schedule overseas and thus he managed to do so with great vigor. Talking about the same, the actor said, it was a teamwork and he is grateful to everyone right from the cast and crew to his other casts like Vaani, Lara Dutta and Huma Qureshi. He added that he along with his entire team believed in the plans of the filmmaker – Ranjit which seemed audacious but everyone put their best on it.
He said in the new normal, they have to learn different things to get adjusted with the virus and they have done well in adapting in the new age. The film happens to be a mega budget movie and will hit the floor during the pandemic. It is produced by Pooja Entertainment by the actor and producer Jackky Bhagnani. He as a producer thanked everyone for wrapping up the shoot as per the schedule. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.