Yesterday it was a big day for Amitabh Bachchan who seemed to be celebrating his 78th birthday on Sunday. He seemed to have wrapped up the birthday in an adorable way as one can see granddaughter Aaradhya and her mother Aishwarya Rai Bachchan giving the best message. While Junior Bachchan was also seen sharing his birthday greeting for his father in the evening.
Aish came late in the evening but before the day passed she made sure to post two photos on her Instagram handle to wish the father in law. This somewhere can be called as ending his big day on a right note. You can check how both the ladies have wished Big B on his special day. Well, how about checking the messages as under:
Meanwhile, Abhishek Bachchan also shared an interesting post to wish his father, have a look at it:
Needless to say that Big B also thanked his fans and everyone who wished him on his big day. Check his post as well:
T 3687 – .. your generosity and love be the greatest gift for me for the 11th .. I cannot possibly ask for more ..?
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) October 10, 2020