On his big day, Hrithik Roshan has decided to treat his fans. The star who turned 48 years today was quick to share the first look of his upcoming movie that remains the remake of the film – Vikram Vedha. The film also has Saif Ali Khan and Radhika Apte in the leading roles apart from the birthday boy. The makers have carried out two different schedules of the film already. Hrithik seems to have done an extensive shoot for the movie in UAE while Saif has completed 12 days of shoot in Lucknow last year.
On the eve of his Birthday, Hrithik was quick to share the first glimpse of Vedha on his social media handles (both at Twitter and Instagram). How about checking the same as under:
VEDHA#vikramvedha pic.twitter.com/4GDkb7BXpl— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) January 10, 2022
Talking about the movie, it is a neo-noir crime thriller movie, which is based on the Meta folk tale – Vikram aur Betaal. The movie revolves around the story of a fierce cop who keeps on hunting tough gangsters in it. The film has R Madhavan and Vijay Sethpathi in the leading roles. The film is presented under the banner of Gulshan Kumar and Vikram Vedha. The banners include TSeries Films and Reliance Entertainment in association with other groups, Friday Filmworks and YNOT Studios Production. The film has Pushkar & Gayatri as director while it is produced by S. Sashikanth and Bhushan Kumar. Vikram Vedha will be seen on many screens globally on 30th September 2022.