Jasmin Bhasin has remained a sweetheart with shows including Dil Se Dil Tak and Tashan-e-Ishq, while she turns a year older today. So a big day for the actress who has remained very popular on social media. She has even attracted a couple of brands to do several ads while with her reality shows including Khatron Ke Khiladi 9 and Bigg Boss 14, she seemed to be a star on the small screen. But she has always made news in the media for many reasons and one of these include her big time photos that keep on coming on her Instagram handles and attract many of her fans.
In other words she has remained Hot & Happening thus soaring the temperature all around with her cool and hot posts. How about checking the lady and others only with us as under:
Jasmin Bhasin Birthday Girl
Jasmin Bhasin Party Look
Jasmin Bhasin Posts
Jasmin Bhasin Hot Images
Jasmin Bhasin Cool Posts
We wish the lady a very happy birthday to her on this big day. Stay tuned to know more about the Jasmin Bhasin and others only with us.