Two weeks ago, two action-packed Bollywood films hit the screens: Gadar 2, a period action drama starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, and OMG 2, a comedy-drama about sex education in Indian schools starring Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, and Yami Gautam. As the second week of their release comes to a close, both films are still going strong. Gadar 2 is leading the pack in terms of box office collections, but OMG 2 is also doing well and is receiving positive reviews from critics and audiences alike.
Despite a slight expected dip, Gadar 2 and OMG 2 are continuing to perform well at the box office. According to the latest reports, Gadar 2 earned Rs 9 crore on Thursday, while OMG 2 earned Rs 3.50 crore. When combined with the collections from the previous days, Gadar 2 has now grossed Rs 419.70 crore, while OMG 2 has grossed Rs 126.67 crore.
The two films are still going strong in their third week of release, and they are both expected to continue to perform well in the coming days. Gadar 2 is the sequel to the 2001 film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, while OMG 2 is the sequel to the 2008 film Oh My God!. Both films are action dramas, and they have been well-received by audiences.
The success of Gadar 2 and OMG 2 is a positive sign for the Indian film industry. It shows that audiences are still willing to watch Bollywood films in theaters, even in the face of competition from international films. It is also a sign that the appetite for action dramas is still strong in India.
It will be interesting to see how Gadar 2 and OMG 2 perform in the coming weeks. If they continue to perform well, they could set new box office records for Bollywood films.