Karan Johar’s latest directorial venture, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, is expected to open with a collection of ₹8-10 crore on Friday. The film stars Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, and Jaya Bachchan in the lead roles. It is slated for a theatrical release on July 28. The buzz around the film is high, with many celebrities already praising it. Gauri Khan has given it 5 stars, while Neetu Kapoor has called Alia Bhatt’s performance “outstanding.”
Trade experts believe that the film’s strong star cast and the positive buzz will help it to achieve a good opening. However, they also caution that the film’s box office performance will depend on the overall performance of the Hindi film industry in the coming weeks. Producer and film business expert Girish Johar said that he expects a good opening for the film. He said that it is the one big film after Pathaan and that the other films that have performed well at the box office this year, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke and Satyaprem Ki Katha, were mid-budget films.
Johar added that the film may open at anything between ₹8-10 crore on Friday, and the collections will hopefully rise over the weekend. He said that if the audience really loves the film and it manages a double-digit score on day one, it could comfortably make ₹35-40 crore in the first weekend. Anything above that would be excellent, but anything below would mean that the film failed to match the audience’s expectations.
The fact that Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani is a big-budget film with a star-studded cast could help to boost its opening collections. The film’s genre, a romantic comedy, is also popular with audiences, which could further help its box office prospects. The film’s release date, July 28, is also favorable, as it is a holiday weekend. The overall performance of the Hindi film industry in the coming weeks will also play a role in the film’s box office performance.