Dahaad is an upcoming crime thriller series starring Sonakshi Sinha in the lead role. The show’s teaser has recently been released, and it has left fans excited for the upcoming release. The teaser showcases Sonakshi’s character, a fierce and determined woman, on a quest for justice.
The show is set in Haryana and follows the story of a woman who is determined to bring justice to her family, who have been victims of a heinous crime. Sonakshi’s character is seen taking matters into her own hands and fighting against the corrupt system to get the justice she seeks.
The teaser is intense and gripping, with a powerful background score adding to the overall impact. Sonakshi’s performance is impressive, and she seems to be in top form as she portrays a woman driven by a single-minded pursuit of justice.
Dahaad promises to be a hard-hitting and thought-provoking series, with themes that are relevant to current social issues. The show’s tagline, “Justice is a sound that echoes beyond death,” hints at the intensity and depth of the series.
The show is being produced by Ritesh Sidhwani, and Farhan Akhtar, while Reema Kagti and Zoya Akhtar remain the directors of the series. The series also stars Vijay Varma, Gulshan Devaiah, and Sohum Shah in the leading roles.
We see Dahaad’s teaser has created a buzz among fans of crime thrillers and Sonakshi Sinha’s fans. The show promises to be a powerful and impactful series, with a strong message about justice and the fight against corruption ready to release on 12th May onwards on Prime Video. Sonakshi’s performance in the teaser has already garnered praise from fans and critics, and the show is set to be one of the most anticipated releases of the year.
If you are yet to catch the teaser, have a look as under: