Here comes the trailer of the most awaited film called Indoo Ki Jawaani. The makers are now on their promotional spree as they are lAdd Newined up to release the film on an OTT platform. The movie was supposed to release in June 2020, but with the pandemic on its peak, nothing seemed working for the makers rather pushing it ahead. Despite waiting for a long, the makers had to finally resort to the OTT platform to release their movie.
The film is going to release on 11th December and it happens to be a comedy drama movie, ready to stream all across the country. The makers now have released the trailer in order to create the buzz around it. The Laxmii actress was quick to share the same on her Instagram handle, which showcases the sizzling chemistry between her and Aditya Seal. How about checking the trailer as under:
The film is set up at the backdrop of Ghaziabad and moves around the life of a young girl called Indoo played by Kiara Advani. She is both insane and funny and loves to experiment with a few dating apps. One can get a good idea about the same. The film is directed by Abir Sengupta, while it is produced by Bhushan Kumar along with Nikhil Advani under the production house called Emmay Entertainment and T-Series. Stay tuned to know more about the film only with us.