Here comes the trailer of the much awaited South Indian film Miss India starring Keerthy Suresh the National Award winning actress. The film has been in the news for the past few weeks and now we see the makers releasing the trailer, which seems interesting to catch. The film is all about the life of a middle class girl and her dream to become a successful businesswoman and model. However, it is certainly not an easy journey as she is seen pulling down by her family along with facing the issues from the corporate world.
She is then seen picking up a global brand to sell over the world. She is seen coming up with the proposition of selling Indian tea across the world by being a Miss India. The lady is seen playing yet another challenging character with her having all the elements while she looks stunning in salwar and suits as well. Besides the lady, we also have some interesting names in the supporting cast, which include Jagapathi Babu, Nadhiya, Rajendra Prasad and Naresh in the leading roles.
It was the lady herself who released the trailer on her Twitter handle, which soon attracted her fans to react and applaud. Check how she shared the same on the microblogging site:
Happy to present the trailer of Miss India.
A festive treat ?
With love,
From Me to You ❤️@NetflixIndia— Keerthy Suresh (@KeerthyOfficial) October 24, 2020
The series is releasing in Tamil and Malayalam and will hit on the streaming giant Netflix in November. Stay tuned to know about it only with us and catch the trailer as well: