Here comes the trailer of the film Roohi starring Rajkummar Rao, Varun Sharma and Janhvi Kapoor in the leading role. The horror comedy trailer seems to give the audience all kinds of spooky vibes, which they are expecting from the Stree fame filmmakers. The makers after releasing the poster are back with the trailer now, which seems very much interesting. As you check the trailer, it showcases full on entertainment for the audience.
The film is directed by the Stree fame director – Hardik Mehta and the team of Stree has produced the film. The film happens to be the story of the earlier Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor 2018 film Stree, which is ready to release soon the coming month. It is releasing on 11th March and happens to be a horror comedy. Before releasing the trailer, the makers have released a few posters of the same, first let’s check the poster as under as shared on Instagram as under:
As you check the trailer, it seems to be interesting and worth checking as it is full with enjoyment and fun. The film was earlier named as Rooh Afza and then Roohi Afzana, however, of late the makers then changed the title to Roohi. The makers are releasing next month. Stay tuned to know more about the film and others only with us and if you have anything to share, do let us know by about it as under: