PC Sreeram, an acclaimed cinematographer, has criticized the win of The Kashmir Files at the 69th National Film Awards. The film, which won the Nargis Dutt Award for Best Feature Film on National Integration, has been accused of bias in its portrayal of the Kashmiri Pandit exodus.
Congratulations to all the #NationalFilmAwards2023 #kashmir files for being judged as a worst film of the decade.
— pcsreeramISC (@pcsreeram) August 25, 2023
We in the film ferernity are united in our happiness for this year’s #NationalAwards
Did they leave out ” jaibeem”due to any particular reason or is it the voice if INDIA which has them given jitters .— pcsreeramISC (@pcsreeram) August 25, 2023
PC Sreeram expressed his disappointment with the win of The Kashmir Files at the 69th National Film Awards in a sarcastic tweet. He said, “Congratulations to all the #NationalFilmAwards2023. The Kashmir Files for being judged as the worst film of the decade.”
The Kashmir Files, a film directed by Vivek Agnihotri, has been a major commercial success. However, the film has also been criticized for its alleged spread of hatred and misinformation about the Kashmiri Pandit exodus. Although the film has earned much at the box office, yet it remained as a controversial film. Many called it a propaganda film which even included the Kashmiri Pundits who remain the key theme of the movie.
There are many more factors that have made this film to make the headlines, which include the huge box office collection and the divide of spread of hate and peace in the industry. The filmmaker behind the movie is known for his right wing views and ideas, which has propelled him make similar films before. These include The Tashkent Files and Buddha in the Traffic Jam. Stay tuned to know more about the movie and others only with us. If you have anything to share, do comment and let us know.