As the day dawned announcing the New Year, we now hear about his next film called Animal with Ranbir Kapoor in the leading role. The film has been directed by Sandeep Reddy Ganga the same filmmaker who has been the man behind Shahid Kapoor starrer film Kabir Singh. The film will have Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol in the pivotal roles apart from Parineeti Chopra in the leading lady’s role. The news is official now, as the two come together to do this film getting the consent of RK.
Although the actor is yet to sign the dotted lines, he has certainly given his consent for the same. The makers have also released an audio teaser for the same when we see Ranbir in the background talking about his late father. The teaser is then seen ending with some sound of gunshots. The film Animal is expected to be an action thriller, while the genre of the movie will be exploring the story seen in Bobby Deol in a negative role.
While the details of the roles to be played by Anil Kapoor and the leading lady Parineeti Chopra are yet to be announced. The last time we saw Ranbir was in 2018 called Sanju and since then he got busy with the films – Brahmastra and Shamshera, the pandemic seems to have pushed the release dates of the film along with the remaining shooting schedule. The film has Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar as producers under the production house T-Series along with Pranay Reddy Vanga of Bhadrakali Pictures along with Murad Khetani (Cine1Studios).