A big news is coming from B Town which suggests that the actor Salman Khan will be busy shooting for Shah Rukh Khan’s next film Pathan very soon. The film happens to be the most awaited one in the B Town ever since SRK did Zero and it went bad at the box office. As Salman Khan gets free from shooting for Bigg Boss 14 Weekend Ka Vaar, he will be shooting for the cameo in Pathan for SRK and then will head for his next films like Tiger 3 with Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi and then his movie Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali before Bigg Boss comes for the next season.
While talking about Bigg Boss 14, the show is going to end very soon and he has to wait for the next season as well before he completes his slated films. He said that life goes on and even the show is moving ahead. The show once is complete he will start shooting for SRK movie and then will go for Tiger and KEKD followed by Bigg Boss 14 after eight months.
Salman Khan will have some prolonged action scenes, which he will be shooting in UAE, while SRK, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham will join them very soon. He will be playing the character of Tiger in it, which will be a huge stint with several stars in UAE, claimed the reports of Bollywood Hungama. A source close to BH will take up the upfront fees for appearing in Tiger in Pathan. SRK and Salman is going to reunite on Burj Khalifa which is one of the key highlights of the film Pathan.