The recently released film Coolie No.1 with stars like Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan was seen facing tough time in it. The film streaming on Amazon Prime Video on the eve of Christmas faced backlash while getting its release in the media. One sequence that has become the talk of the town where one can see Varun Dhawan doing a train scene defying logic as one can see in South Indian films.
He is seen jumping the train along with removing the kid from the train tracks while saving his life. This has brought a couple of Twitter users to react as to how he managed to defy the law of Physics and thus they were seen paying tribute to it saying RIP. Well, let’s check how the netizens react to this as under:
Waah kya scene hai bhai @Varun_dvn ???
— NR (@NayabPokiri) December 24, 2020
Waah kya scene hai bhai @Varun_dvn ???
— NR (@NayabPokiri) December 24, 2020
जब ट्रेन पर कूदा तो आगे की तरफ कैसे गुटाली मारी।
जब यह कूदा उस समय ट्रेन बच्चे से लगभग 2 मीटर दूर थी। तो लगभग 100 की स्पीड में 2 मीटर पार करने में 0.07 सेकंड
लगते हैं।
तो ये मादरणीय 0.07 सेकंड से कम समय में आगे कूदे वो भी बिना घिसटे और बच्चे को हटा दिया।RIP भौतिक विज्ञान ?
— रोहित.विश्नोई (@The_Kafir_boy) December 25, 2020
Hollywood movies main issi scene par taliyan bajate sab ab yaha troller ban rahe ?
— Kantala Tandoori Chai ?☕☃️ (@bhukkadatma) December 25, 2020
motion physics to film makers :
— Aftab ?? (@aftab4hemd) December 25, 2020
RIP Physics ☹️
— ??????? ??நிஷாந்த் குமார் నిశాంత్ కుమార్ (@nishant29794) December 25, 2020