Of late, there has been a celebration time for the lady Disha Parmar, the popular TV actress. In fact, she had two big reasons to do so. Firstly it was her big day as she celebrated her 26th birthday today, and second she also got the marriage proposal from her friend Rahul Vaidya. The lady got the proposal for marriage when the singer went on his knees on the national TV and one can now see him in the current season of Bigg Boss. He then decided to do it on her birthday.
We now see the videos getting viral and gave the people a chance to see her reaction as to how the wedding proposal went ahead. It really seems that you got to have shared things done from her friend and later was chosen by a number of people in her fan clubs on various networking sites. Well, you need to check the videos as under to know how the man proposed the lady and how she reacted to the same, have a look: