Disha Patani has always made news for her social media posts. Currently, she is busy with her holiday in Maldives with Tiger Shroff who remains her friend and rumored boyfriend. Maldives , the celebrity paradise, is making news once again with her recent post on Instagram. She posted her photo in pink bikini and the moment she posted it on her account on Instagram, it was an instant hit among her fans. There were also trolls suggesting the diva to behave herself with proper attire but more often we saw comments that complimented her for the new look.
Well, we will first check the post from the diva and then would check the comments made on her red bikini picture, have a look below:
Disha is coming with her beach wardrobe in this picture and it has stunned many and is able to grab too many eyeballs. The trolls suggested she apply oil on her skin and someone suggested to wait for four months and then she would marry him and so one. On the other hand many even wished her and complimented her with their good words. Talking about her, she has just wrapped up the shoot for her next film Yodha with Sidharth Malhotra. She has informed earlier through her Instagram handle about the same.
Stay tuned to know more about the diva only with us.