In the recent buzz around the Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case, the CBI seems to have started the probe with a great buzz. Since a few days, people have been expressing their concern about the loopholes in the way the investigation has been carried out. Now, CBI is posing all the questions that have remained unanswered for a while. The CBI team headed to the Cooper Hospital and their visit was certainly not welcomed there for obvious reasons.
However, when the CBI team visited the hospital, they were not allowed to enter the premises despite staying for 45 minutes. The team also asked for an appointment but as per reports the officials of Cooper Hospital informed that the doctors involved in carrying out the autopsy of Sushant were on leave. They were five doctors who are now seen missing and nothing much is being heard about them at the moment.
As per Republic TV reports, the security guard informed that the CBI team will again visit on 26th and 27th August as per the appointment given to them. They will come to record the statement of various officials involved in this case. However, the medical team is missing or has been sent on leave. The security guard also informed me that not many doctors are present in the hospital since the past few days. Well, it would be interesting to see how the CBI now manages to deal with this case. Stay tuned to know more about him and others only with us.