It’s a big day for Kannada star Kiccha Sudeep as he celebrates his big day today. So, just when he turned 47 today, he was seen sharing a common display picture ahead of the celebrations. The actor’s friend Dr. Shiva Rajkumar was seen sharing common DP on his Twitter handle page and then said that he is “Happy to release common DP for his dear friend @KicchaSudeep to share an interesting photo. Well, you can check the birthday treat as under:
Happy to release common DP for my dear friend @KicchaSudeep .. all the best
— DrShivaRajkumar (@NimmaShivanna) August 30, 2020
The two have worked in the film The Villain together in 2018 and it was a big hit at the box office. The film is directed by Prem, while it was their maiden venture together and since then they have shared a good rapport with each other. The film also gave Aamy Jackson her debut in the South Indian film industry. Talking about the birthday plans, Sudeep’s fans celebrate his big day by getting collected close to his home.
A humble request to all you frnzz.??
— Kichcha Sudeepa (@KicchaSudeep) August 31, 2020
However, this year, the actor has requested his fans to avoid the same since its high time to remain safe and extend a helping hand for the people in need. Sudeep was quick to share the same on his social media page saying that a small request to all his friends and fans not to assemble at any place with the ongoing COVID outbreak in the country. Well, check his tweet as under: