A big day there for the fans of South Indian superstar Rajinikanth as he turns 70 today. The actor turned politician is known to have his own political party, which he is going to launch this month. He is taking a plunge in politics at the national level. The actor has come a long way before becoming a superstar. Born as Shivaji Rao Gaekwad and now intends to fight elections next year in Tamil Nadu.
As the day dawned, his fans started getting collected near his home in Chennai coming up with T-Shirts and holding banners wishing him on his big day. Meanwhile, many of the celebrities including the Indian Prime Minister also wished the Tamil Super Star on Twitter, you can check what he said while wishing him:
Dear @rajinikanth Ji, wishing you a Happy Birthday! May you lead a long and healthy life.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 12, 2020
Just before the Indian PM, we also saw the South Indian music maestro also wishing the superstar on the microblogging site with the help of sharing a collage of his picture on his tweet. He seems to be excited about this day for the superstar, you can check his message as under:
Extremely privileged to release superstar @Rajinikanth’s 70th Birthday CDP on behalf of his fans.
Wishing you a great birthday and good health!#HBDSuperstarRajinikanth pic.twitter.com/SYWxRyOFqD— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) December 11, 2020
The actor has been known as a big star and every other film that releases with him as the lead actor turns out to be a big day for his fans. He is known to have a huge fan following not only in South India or at the Pan level but also all across the world. We wish him on his big day a very happy and prosperous birthday.