As the veteran actor Dharmendra turned 85 yesterday, the cutest message on his big day did come from his wife Hema Malini. The Dram Girl co-stars have been together since 1979 when they got married the said year. Since then their bond of love and relationship has stood very strong. On his big day, Hema Malini, the actor turned politician posted a cute message with a throwback picture of the couple and then wished her hubby.
While sharing the picture she was seen adding a cute message saying yesteryear and now the love for you has always grown up all these years. She then greeted her husband on the eve of her hubby’s birthday. One can see their cute picture as well. You can check the message as under:
The couple got married in 1979 and they have two daughters – Esha Deol and Ahana Deol. While the couple got married, Dharam pa ji was already married to Prakash Kaur from whom he had two sons – Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol along with two daughters Ajeeta and Vijayta. The couple has worked in different movies including Dream Girl, Sholay, Dilagi, Seeta Aur Geeta, Raja Jaani, The Burning Train, Do Dishayen, and Jugnu, Dil Kaa Heera to name a few. Before Hema, the sons Bobby, Sunny and Esha had shared some heart warming messages on his big day. Check their messages as well: