Kareena Kapoor Khan seems to be excited about her hubby Saif Ali Khan’s next film – Adipurush where he plays a negative role in it. The actor is likely to play Lankesh in the Prabhas-starrer film. While talking about the role, the lady said that it’s her hubby who remains the most handsome devil in history. While sharing the poster, she said that here comes her man in a devil look who appeared the most handsome devil in the history.
Well, she said the same in her recently Instagram post, have a look at the same:
This is not the first time when we see Saif Ali Khan playing a negative character in the film as he has already done earlier in the Tanhaji: The Unsung Hero film with Ajay Devgn playing the rival of the same. He was applauded for her character and the makers have also applauded him for his performance in the said film with Ajay Devgn. In their statement, they said that Saif Ali Khan has emerged out as a prominent negative man in the film. The film was presented by Om Kumar and Bhushan Kumar. Om is also directing this film. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.