It seems that the war of words between the Punjabi singer cum actor Diljit Dosanjh against the B Town actress – Kangana Ranaut is gaining good support for the former. It all started when Kangana was seen taking a jibe at an old lady from Sikh Community of farmers telling that such ladies are available for 500 INR per day. To this the singer slammed the actress saying to behave as she is too different that she thinks. Soon it opened a war of words against each other.
Soon we saw singer Mika Singh and Prince Narula also coming in support of the Punjabi singer and actor for his words. However, Kangana kept on saying and opening her mouth with her dirty words against the singer without realizing that people are not liking it. As per the recent buzz, the Punjabi singer and actor was able to draw more than 4 lakhs likes for his tweets against Kangana. Even the B Town actors like Swara Bhaskar and the Fukrey actress – Richa Chaddha also extended their support for the singer.
Well, let’s check what Swara Bhaskar has to say about the singer followed by another – Richa Chadha as well, which are shared as under:
Diljit Dosanjh is a STAR! Dil-jit actually! ?????????? @diljitdosanjh
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) December 3, 2020
Seriously, tussi saareyan nu public interest vichon daas ne aa , pubjabiyan naal lado ni plz
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) December 3, 2020
Also, on this issue, Kangana Ranaut has been getting a few legal notices as well. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.