As the south Indian superstar – Rajinikanth celebrated his birthday yesterday in a big way. His fans had yet another celebration to mark. The actor was seen having a good time in the Indian film industry, which seems to have made it to be a never ending birthday for his fans. The stars and family members did celebrate his 70th birthday in his own way. SRK was also at the forefront who wished the South Indian super star in a style. You need to check his tweet as under:
Here’s wishing the Birthday a very Happy Rajinikanth!!! Marking another year of superhuman-ness from the one and only Thalaiva!! Health and happiness to you always @rajinikanth sir… Love you very much!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 12, 2020
He has given tribute earlier in his film Chennai Express with an exclusive song we all remember, while also has added him in his movie Ra One getting a cameo of the same. While the other actor who also wished the super star was Akshay Kumar. He was also quick to share one picture with him as he wished the South Super star. How about checking the same as under:
Superhuman onscreen and a superb human off it…always feel fortunate to have shared screen space with you sir. Here’s wishing you a year filled with the best of health and more health. Happy birthday @rajinikanth sir ?
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 12, 2020
Meanwhile Thalaiva is planning to enter into politics and he is going to embark with his political party this year end. He will be coming up with a Pan India level party. Stay tuned to know more about him and others only with us.