Just when Sanjay Leela Bhansali is busy shooting for his next film Gangubai Kahtiawadi with Alia Bhatt, he does not want to take any chance to keep the show big and vivid. As per the latest buzz, the filmmaker has planned to give Huma Qureshi a special appearance in his movie. Yes, you heard it right, Huma will be the part of the Alia Bhatt film in a cameo role. As per reports, the lady is going to start the shoot from tomorrow.
While we also know the Padmaavat fame actor Jim Sarbh being the part of this film as well as he plays a journalist in it. Huma on the other side has entered the movie in a very critical time and she is going to start the shoot very soon, claims the report. She is going to appear in one of the Qawwali dance sequences, which is going to be completed in the next 4-5 days. Huma and Sanjay were very much excited about the special number informing the team.
However, it is not very clear that Alia is featuring these sequences and they have started the shoot for the movie last September only. They plan to wrap up the shoot by Jan 2021 claims the report. The film is based on a story by Hussain Zaidi from his book called Mafia Queens of Mumbai. While Alia has shared her first look from the film too often. She has gained a decent buzz around it. Stay tuned to know more about Huma and others along with this movie only with us. If you have anything to share, do comment and let us know more about it.