The whole industry is mourning with the demise of TV actress Divya Bhatnagar. On Monday, the ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ fame actress passed away at the age of 34 due to a corona infection. Meanwhile, Divya’s husband Gagan is facing serious allegations. Divya’s friend Devolina has accused Gagan of beating her and harassing her. At the same time, her family is preparing to file a domestic violence case against Gagan. Divya’s brother Devashish Bhatnagar said that he is about to file a domestic violence case against Gagan.
Devashish said, ‛From a few days after the wedding, Gagan started harassing her physically and mentally. On November 7, she wrote a note stating that Gagan abuses and harasses her. Yesterday we received that note from her cupboard. On 16 November, Divya also filed a complaint with the police. When she was hospitalized, I told her to keep up the courage. “Talking about Divya, Devashish said,” We hoped she would recover. My mother is in a bad state. We have to work courageously for that. It is a difficult time for us and we are going through unbearable pain. ‘
Earlier on Monday, Divya’s friend Devolina also released a video, accusing Gagan of assaulting and stealing Divya’s jewels. Devolina had accused Gagan that he was earlier in jail in a case of molestation. Devolina, who took part in Bigg Boss, is deeply saddened after Divya’s death. She said that Divya’s life was going through a very difficult phase since marriage.