For the fans of the actress Kiara Advani, we have big news for them as her film Indoo Ki Jawani is all set to release next month. Yes, you heard it right, the film starring the lady and Aditya Seal has got the release date for the theatrical release. One can find the film releasing on 11th of December. Earlier, it was speculated that it will get a digital release but now the makers have made things clear that they will release the said film in the cinema halls.
The news was confirmed by none other than the trade analyst like Taran Adarsh who claimed that the film is releasing on the said date, check his tweet as under:
#BreakingNews… ALL SET FOR THEATRICAL RELEASE IN DEC 2020… #IndooKiJawani – starring #KiaraAdvani and #AdityaSeal – to release in *cinemas* on 11 Dec 2020… Directed by Abir Sengupta… Produced by TSeries, Emmay Entertainment and Electric Apples.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 20, 2020
The film is helmed by Abir Sengupta, while it is produced by T Series, and in association with groups like Emmay Entertainment and Electric Apples. Kiara plays Indoo Gupta who hails from Ghaziabad who is seen experimenting with several dating apps backed by several hilarious twists in the life of the lady. The film is an age comedy which is produced by known names in the industry like Monisha and Nikhil Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, Ryan Stephen and Niranjan Iyengar. The theatres have now been open with 50 per cent occupancy after six months of the lockdown. We have seen a couple of films releasing now including Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari.