As the former Miss Universe – Sushmita Sen celebrated her birthday yesterday, she shared a couple of photos that revealed how her birthday was so special to her. Her brother made her day getting her some personalized gift for the lady which she wanted for her for a long time. It is nothing but the diamond from her brother which she loved to have it always from her brother. And this birthday, brother Rajeev Sen made sure to get one for his sister that cost a lot. The lady has remained an inspiration for all.
Right from her family members to her beau to her fans and many more. On her big day she got a surprise from her near ones to the way things were arranged. Well, you need to check the inside story of her birthday as under which seemed to have shared on her Instagram handle, have a look at the same:
While her brother posted the following picture on her big day:
Now, talking about her beau Rohman Shawl, he also greeted his lady in his own style. He shared some Shayaris on the eve of her birthday, which remains worth checking on her Instagram handle, have a look:
In other words, her birthday was a big time surprise for her and was celebrated in a very nice and intimate manner. Stay tuned for more on the lady only with us.