Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt remain the cute couple in B Town. They have come together while working in Karan Johar film called Brahmastra with director Ayan Mukherji. Since then they came into their relationship. Soon their parents got involved and gave green signals to them. As per the latest, the Bhatts and the Kapoors were seen leaving Mumbai. Yesterday, the couple and their families were seen taking a Jaipur flight. In the same flight, even Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were also seen spotted.
Ayan Mukherjee along with others were even spotted in Mumbai Airport. This gives the message that they are going for something interesting and not for any professional reason. There were rumours that they would be shooting for the Science Fiction movie this December in the Pink City. As per the B Town portal Bollywood Hungama, the Bhatts along with Adar Jain and Riddhima Kapoor are there in Ranathambore. While Karan Johar is in Goa at the moment and is expected to move with the early morning flight.
They were all seen staying at the Aman Hotel based in Ranthambore claims the BH reports. They were also planning to have a good time on the New Year eve, but considering the presence of the entire family and friends, the rumour mills are suggesting that they are going to be engaged. Many ask the question as to why would anyone go with their families for New Year eve? This seemed to be interesting and gave the idea. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.