Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan are once again a parent for their second child. After giving birth to Taimur Ali Khan in 2016 December, the couple is back in the news for the very same reason as the lady gave birth to her second son. It’s a big news for the Nawabs along with the Tinsel Town who were all desperately waiting for this news for long. It did bring many of the fans reacting to this big news in the Nawab’s family.
So, let’s check what the actor has to say about it as under:
Congratulations to Saif Ali Khan – it’s a boy
— Saif Ali Khan Online (@SaifOnline) February 21, 2021
Earlier, we saw the lady sharing about her on her Instagram handle, let’s check them out as under:
Well, it is a happy Sunday and it has the biggest news and Kareena Kapoor Khan is seen happy people surrounding are pleased to hear this news. Both the child and mother seemed to be in good shape informed the sources close to two. This news came early this morning and we see the fans of Saif and Kareena making good buzz over the social media and a few asked about what name they are going to have for their second child. Stay tuned to know more about the two only with us. If you have anything to share do comment and let us know.