Jasmin Bhasin, the popular Indian actress, recently spoke up about the trend of creating “fake realities” on social media with the help of filters. The actress, who is known for her honesty and candor, revealed that while she occasionally uses filters to enhance her pictures, she tries to avoid going overboard with them.
In a recent interview, Bhasin stated that she believes in presenting herself as she is, without hiding her flaws or imperfections. She added that she is aware of the trend of using filters to create an unrealistic image of oneself on social media, and she tries to avoid falling into that trap. Check her latest post at Instagram:
Bhasin further emphasized the importance of accepting one’s age and not trying to hide it with filters. She stated that “ageing is a reality,” and it is essential to embrace it gracefully. She encouraged her fans and followers to be confident in their skin and not get swayed by the pressures of social media.
Bhasin’s comments come at a time when social media has become an integral part of our lives, and many people tend to use filters excessively to enhance their appearance. While filters can be fun and exciting, they can also create a distorted image of oneself and lead to unrealistic expectations.
Bhasin’s stance on this issue is admirable, as she encourages her fans and followers to be true to themselves and not get caught up in the trend of creating “fake realities.” She serves as a role model for young women, promoting self-confidence and self-love.
Talking about her work, she has been the part of several TV shows including , including Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Kuch Toh Hai Tere Mere Darmiyaan, Dil Se Dil Tak, Dhhai Kilo Prem, apat from several Punjabi Movies. While she is in a relationship with Aly Goni. Lastly, Bhasin’s message of self-confidence and self-love serves as an inspiration to many, and we can all learn from her example.