Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film, Jawan, has been a box office juggernaut since its release, with advance bookings setting records and promising a massive opening. The film is now aiming for a lifetime business of over ₹550 crore. However, despite breaking records every day, Jawan has been unable to surpass Baahubali 2’s domestic box office performance. Baahubali 2 remains the highest-grossing Indian film of all time at the domestic box office, with a gross collection of over ₹510 crore.
While Jawan has been a huge commercial success, it is still short of Baahubali 2’s record-breaking performance. This is likely due to a number of factors, including Baahubali 2’s pan-Indian appeal, its massive scale and production value, and its release during a major holiday period. Despite falling short of Baahubali 2’s record, Jawan is still a massive success for Shah Rukh Khan and director Atlee. The film has proven to be one of the biggest box office hits of the year and has cemented Khan’s status as one of the biggest stars in Indian cinema.
Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has taken a sigh at the box office, with its daily collection numbers gradually slowing down. The film has also failed to beat another Baahubali 2 record, this time at the Hindi box office. Baahubali 2: The Conclusion is the highest-grossing Hindi film of all time, with a gross collection of over ₹510 crore. Jawan has currently grossed over ₹532 crore in India, but it is unlikely to surpass Baahubali 2’s Hindi box office record.
This is a remarkable feat for Baahubali 2, considering that it is a Telugu film that was dubbed into Hindi. It shows the film’s widespread popularity and appeal across India. Jawan is still a massive success for Shah Rukh Khan and director Atlee, but it is unable to match Baahubali 2’s record-breaking performance. This is likely due to a number of factors, including Baahubali 2’s pan-Indian appeal, its massive scale and production value, and its release during a major holiday period.