Finally, Kangana Ranaut has joined Twitter. She seemed to have taken her Kangana Ranaut Team Twitter handle, making it as her official handle now. As she did, she was quick to release a video on Twitter and explained as to why she has done this at this juncture. While talking about her journey in Bollywood that started 15 years and she came across many junctures when she was asked to join social media. She said that she was even called a Cudail or witch for not joining the social media.
She said that her absence on social media never created a gap between her and her fans. She said that she joined Bollywood to give the issues like nationalism and empowerment in an artistic way. She that it was Sushant Singh Rajput who gave her the chance to think that it is high time she should join social media, hence she is here to fight for a cause and celebrate the success. Well, you can check her entire video as shared on her Twitter handle as under:
This is for my twitter family ??
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 21, 2020
Of late, Kangana has been vocal on issues like nepotism after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. She has slammed many actors like Alia Bhatt along with Swara Bhaskar and Taapsee Pannu for supporting the gang. She also targeted Aamir Khan and Deepika Padukone as well. Stay tuned to know more about the lady as to how she has taken things in her hand on Twitter only with us.