Kangana Ranaut, the controversial Bollywood actress, celebrated her birthday recently, and a video of a fan doing her pooja went viral on social media. In the video, the fan is seen placing flowers, lighting incense sticks, and performing aarti in front of a poster of Kangana Ranaut. The fan also applies kumkum on the actress’s forehead and seeks her blessings.
The video has sparked a mixed reaction from netizens, with some expressing their amusement at the fan’s devotion, while others criticize it as an extreme form of hero worship. Many users on social media also pointed out the irony of a fan worshipping a Bollywood actress on her big day. Check the video:
On this auspicious day of yours . I wish you a load of happiness,joy ,success. Lots of love from a die hard fan of yours .May durga maa bless you always .????????#HappyBirthdayKanganaRanaut@KanganaTeam pic.twitter.com/vom9a1mtLR
— Bhawana kangana’s fan (@Bhawana15638734) March 22, 2023
Kangana Ranaut is a controversial figure in Bollywood known for her outspoken views on social and political issues. She has been involved in several controversies in the past, including verbal spats with other actors, directors, and politicians. However, she also has a loyal fan base that admires her for her acting skills and strong personality.
While the fan’s devotion towards Kangana Ranaut might seem extreme to some, it is not uncommon for fans to idolize their favorite actors in India. Many fans consider actors as their role models and seek inspiration from them. However, it is important to draw a line between admiration and obsession and not engage in extreme behavior that can be harmful to oneself or others.
Check the reactions from netizens:
I hope , Itni apne mata pita ki bhi Puja Kari hongi apne… Diya jala kr .
— Ashish (@AK28986) March 23, 2023
I love her too… but yeh kya ch????tiyaap hai bhai? ????????♀️ ????????????♀️
— laissez-faire (@SorcerousWords) March 23, 2023
???????????????? “jab tak is duniya me cinema hai …. “
— Jesal (@jesal108) March 23, 2023
— Avi Jain (@AviJain_) March 23, 2023