Karan Deol and his childhood sweetheart Drisha Acharya tied the knot in a lavish Punjabi-style big fat Indian wedding in Mumbai on June 18. To celebrate their union, the couple hosted a star-studded reception for the film fraternity. The event was graced by high-profile members of the Bollywood industry, including Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. Karan is the son of Sunny Deol and the grandson of Dharmendra, both of whom also attended the reception.
Recently, Karan shared some exclusive photos of the reception with his fans, along with a heartfelt note expressing his excitement to start a new journey with his better half. He thanked Drisha for becoming an integral part of his life and added that he looks forward to a beautiful journey together. Upon seeing the photos, Sunny Deol advised his son to lead a beautiful life, accompanied by a flurry of heart emojis. Meanwhile, Bobby Deol, Karan’s uncle, showered his love on the newlyweds with heart and heart-eye emoticons in comments.
Earlier, Karan had shared some emotional posts about starting a married life with Drisha, expressing how grateful they are for the blessings and good wishes. Social media was buzzing with many rare photos from the wedding ceremony, including one of Dharmendra and his first wife Prakash Kaur. Sunny Deol also posted a lovely picture with his wife Pooja Deol, giving fans glimpses of the intimate moments from the wedding. Stay tuned to know more about the actor and his wife only with us and if you have anything interesting about it do share with us by commenting below. So, what do you have in your mind, do let us know for sure.