Ever since the bundle of joy joined the family of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, we have been hearing a lot about their second son. Kareena has been away from social media for obvious reasons, but now we can see the lady with her post, which becomes her solo post after she gave birth to her second child. She was seen talking about her next film Bhoot police. It is an adventure cum horror comedy movie, which also has Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor in the leading roles.
The film is releasing on 10th September, while it is directed by Pavan Krpalani, the popular filmmaker who has given films like Ragiini MMS and Phobia. The movie also has Yami Gautam and Jacqueline Fernandez in the pivotal roles. You can check her post done on Instagram as under:
Even Arjun Kapoor and Jacqueline had shared the same poster from their respective Instagram accounts. The film is produced by Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri, while the team started filming in November last year and shooting was mostly done in Himachal Pradesh. The makers had now wrapped up the shoot. The movie was presented under the banner called Tip Industries that has come along with 12th Street Entertainment of Jaya Taurani. Stay tuned to know more about the film only with us. If you have anything to share, do let us know by commenting below.