Karisma Kapoor recently shared delightful snapshots from her pajama party featuring her sister Kareena Kapoor, close friends Malaika Arora, Amrita Arora, and makeup artist Mallika Bhat. The charming images captured the group in high spirits, striking various fun poses during their cozy gathering at home. Karisma and Amrita later took to their Instagram accounts to post a joint picture with their sisters Kareena and Malaika, as well as their friend Mallika, from the pajama party. Each of them sported their unique outfits – Karisma in a black top and loose grey pajamas, Kareena in a blue-and-white kaftan, Malaika in a leopard-print off-shoulder dress, and Amrita in a dark blue T-shirt and pants, with their hair tied back, except for Karisma’s. The group was seen posing merrily on the sofa and on the floor in several candid shots.
Karisma and Amrita also shared the post on their respective Instagram Stories, playfully referring to themselves as “The OG Crew,” in connection with Kareena’s latest film, Crew. The film, an all-female heist comedy starring Kareena, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon, and directed by Rajesh A Krishnan, made a grand opening with ₹20 crore on its first day, setting a record for the biggest opening for a woman-led Bollywood film worldwide.
About Crew Crew portrays the comical tale of three women against the backdrop of the struggling airline industry, leading them into unforeseen situations and a web of deception. The film features Kareena, Tabu, and Kriti as air hostesses, indulging in stealing peanut boxes meant for flights, planning to amass wealth, and elevating their glam quotient, garnering attention from all quarters.
The movie, produced under Shobha and Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Motion Pictures and Rhea Kapoor’s Anil Kapoor Film & Communications Network banners, debuted on March 29 and also stars Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma, among others.
Karisma extended her support to the Crew team by expressing her admiration on Instagram, exclaiming, “This Crew Rocked @kareenakapoorkhan @tabutiful @kritisanon @diljitdosanjh @kapilsharma @rheakapoor @ektarkapoor #RajeshKrishnan Congrats to the entire team.”
Malaika Arora also shared the movie poster on social media, praising the film and its exceptional team, “This crew is soaring n roaring at the box office….a supa fun ride #gurlpower all the way @tabutiful @kareenakapoorkhan @kritisanon… u ladies were awesome. @diljitdosanjh so so cool n endearing @rheakapoor bro (clap emojis).”