As Amitabh Bachchan is busy shooting for his next season for the popular game show – Kaun Banega Crorepati 12, he seemed to be tied up with the work a lot. We also have seen his promo going live in the media. The Nitesh Tiwari’s directed promos have been going viral, which was done just before he was admitted at the hospital for COVID 19. Now, we see the actor back to work and is working hard to carry out the new season with great care and enthusiasm. As we know he has been regular in his blog, we see him sharing that he works for 12 to 14 hours.
He then was quick to share one long poem probably from his father who was a great poet of his time on is Instagram page, have a look what he has written on his working schedule:
Talking about his other works, he has two films coming the following year, which include Chehre with Emraan Hashmi and Brahamastra with Ranbir Kapoor and Ali Bhatt. Stay tuned to know more about him and others only with us.