Here comes the new poster of the much awaited film Khaali Peeli. The makers have decided to release the film on the streaming media Zee Plex. The film starring Ananya Panday and Ishaan Khatter in the leading roles. The film has Jaideep Ahlawat as well in the pivotal roles and the makers have released the trailer, which seemed to have garnered a good buzz around the movie. The film is all set to release on the above said streaming platform, which is ready to stream on the platform on 2nd October 2020.
As per reports, the makers were in talks with the streaming medium Netflix and Zee5, however, things did not work for the former and the makers now have given all rights to Zee Studios. Although both the platforms had been in talks with the makers, the makers chose the Zee Group and now one can see the film releasing on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti. The makers have decided to release the film on the said digital platform very soon.
Ananya Panday the leading lady of the film was quick to share the same proclaiming that she is also ready to release the film very soon. Check her post carrying the new poster having the release date as well.